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Mousesports Esports Betting

Total Winnings: $4,100,000 | CSGO, LOL, ROCKET LEAGUE
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100% bonus up to 100$

Mousesports Overview

Sponsors: Vodafone, Snipes, Team Razer

Mousesports was founded in 202 in Berlin and quickly rise to one of the most successful German esports clubs. The amazing success of its CSGO team led to an expansion into other titles such as League of Legends, Overwatch, Rocket League or Heroes of the Storm.

The organization won over $4.1 million USD from all the esports tournaments, with more than half of it coming from CSGO events. In 2019, the same CSGO roster managed to win the DreamHack Open Tours event while the LOL team won the Premier Tour Summer tournament, defeating BIG in the Grand Final.

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rendered (mm/dd/yyy):12/15/2023, 2:09:29 PM